Sunday, August 01, 2004


I took a yoga class today after a very long sabbatical. I felt good reconnecting with my body's capabilities and limitation. The class was thought by a male teacher who looks like an average guy off the street. I guess I was expecting some one more exotic and flexible. He's a good teacher and I would take his class again. I learned a breathing technique that I will practice when I'm stuck in traffic.

Calming breath

  1. Inhale through right nostril for 5 counts. Hold for 5 counts. Exhale through the left nostril for 8 counts

  2. Repeat step 1 with left nostril and back to right nostril

I was having some difficult at first but then I got over the fact that right and left lungs are connected somehow. He recommends this type of breathing when you are overwhelmed with the world. He also talked about how the yoga class is all about the journey not the end point. Something to think about in the grander scale of things.
This Alternative nostril breathingsite provides more details.


Bullseye said...

how the heck do you breath out one nostril and not the other??? :o

Sam said...

One key part of the procedure I forgot to mentioned. Use your finger to close off the notril that you don't want air to go through.

Bullseye said...

It sounds kind of like Yoga-Scam to me. I thought that the cavity goes to the same place so I looked it up on google. Naval Cavity"Tell your instructor that just because you're breathing from the left nostril it doesn't mean you're just using your left (or right) lung.

Sam said...

I didn't say that they are not connected. Check out the link I put in for details.