Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Mandarin to white people

Earlier, I called my mom and talked to her about stuff in Mandarin and my two co-workers (Suffering scientist=SS: m/wm & Sushi man=SM: m/am) were eaves dropping on my conversation and made the following comment:
SS: "Why does Mandarin sounds so sleepy?"
SS:"I get it. Speaking Mandarin makes them(Chinese) so sleepy that they rub their eyes a lot and rub off their eye lashes. Hee..he.." Refer to Mir's blog entry Monday, 8-23-04 to get this joke.
Sushi man: Thundering LOL
After I got off the phone I said to SS
Me: "What are you laughing about?"
SS:" Nothing!"
Me: "I heard something about Mandarin and eye lashes"
SS repeated what he said to SM and I thought it was pretty funny.
Me: "At least it's not like Cantonese where it sounds like your angry"
SM defending Cantonese: "I am angry and I have the right to be angry!"
I'm glad they don't speak Chinese or they would have understood what I said to my mom about those two.

1 comment:

Mir said...

Is Suffering Scientist who I think it is? :P