Sunday, October 10, 2004

Pumpkin Patch

We went to a local pumpkin patch yesterday. Besides pumpkins, there were kiddy carnival rides and pony ride. We got there around noon so it was getting hot. I told S that we'll come back later when it's cooler. She wanted to ride the pony before leaving so we agreed.
Ponies may be cute but they are stinky. As the ponies were going around a circle, the pony in front of S stopped and decided to go number 2. The teenager in charge of the horse quickly clean up the green poop and that's when S's pony decided to go number 1. A gal quickly run to S's pony and dumped some absorbents stuff over the urine.
S really enjoyed the ride. Unfortunately, we forgot to bring the camera to capture the moment. We are planning to go back again since we didn't pick a pumpkin yet.

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