Tuesday, September 28, 2004


As I was getting ready to hit the shower after spin class, I noticed a woman was walking very slowly from the pool area into the shower. 1st thought was that she's recovering from some trauma.
As I was getting dressed, the same lady was walking slowly toward her swimming gear and slowly bending over to pick up her water shoes, fins and floating board so I offered to help her.

Shower lady: "I can do it but thanks for offering to help."
Short hair lady chimed in: "You're exercising your independence. If it was me, I would have said please help me."
Shower lady: "Not me, they can take away my drivers license, but they can't take away my will to be independent."

Lesson learned today is not to take walking, driving or other routine activities that I do everyday for granted. Even though she walks slower than an average person, she is walking on her own.

Workout log
Time: 55 min
Ave heart rate: 148 b/m
Cal: 414

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