Saturday was Danielle's recital and there were 17 performers. Danielle did pretty good for the 1st time. She made 2 errors but made correction quickly, continued with the piece and finished. She didn't bow as I taught her but no one else did either. One kid got really nervouse that it took a while to get it together and continue the piece. The picture above is not the best picture but it captured the moment of her performance. Imagine 17 kids with 2 parents and some with 2 grandparents there so the place was packed. They raffled off a chocolate piano key board and gift certificate to Mc Donalds and Danielle won the gift certificate.
Secondo had a hard time sitting through the performance. Luckily, the hosting family had a four year old son who was watching cartoon so Secondo was able to watch TV with him during the recital. After the performance, we had some refreshments, mingled with the other parents and shared stories about piano practice naggings etc..
At the end, I asked Danielle if she was nervous and she said not really. She did enjoyed the recital especially the "freshment" portion of the recital where she had cookies and fruit juices.
I'm so glad that the recital went well! I hope that the performing experience has made Danielle enthusiastic to continue with the piano practice.
Danielle is looking forward to the next recital so she'll be able to enjoy the refreshments
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