Thursday, January 04, 2007

Lesson in friendship

When I moved back to OC several years ago, one of my goal was to hang out more with my old roommates and friends since we are only 20 minutes away. When we did get together, we realized that as time goes by, we don't have that much in common anymore.
It's been over a year since I've seen my friend S. I would leave her messages and she didn't call me back. I feel that we made more of an effort when I lived 70 miles away from her.
With my other friend H, we invited her family over for lunch 3 years ago hoping that our kids could play together etc.. and we have not talked to each other since.
The only friend that I see regularly is my friend P, we've been friends for over 20 years and we make the effort to see each other at least 3 times a year and we live hours from each other. With friends who are far away, we stay in touch via emails and blogs.
I learned that distance is not really the barrier to stay in touch with any of friends. Taking the time to call and say hello is all it takes.

Side note:
If you recall I blogged about fighting with insurance company on Oct 30th, I got a call from Secondo's Doctor's office yesterday saying that they still have not gotten paid for one particular shot. I resorted to have our HR deal with the issue.

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