Friday, January 05, 2007

Getting back on track

I'm glad Friday is here. First week of school was quite a challenge for everyone in the household except for Secondo. During the break, Danielle made friends with one of the neighbor kid and all she talks about is this child and wanting to play with her when she gets home from school. She goes to private school and doesn't get any homework where as Danielle has homework everyday. I had to be the bad cop and told both of them that they can only play on the weekends. We really must stay with the schedule or one of us could have a melt down.
I had given Danielle a break on piano during the holidays and it was a struggle to get her to practicing her music on regular basis. From this point forward, she will be practicing continuously so it's not such a struggle getting back on track. She asked if we can change her lesson day from Monday to Thursday because Thursday is less hectic than Monday. We'll talk with her teacher and see if that's even possible. She'll have her 1st piano recital on Feb 9th and it will be interesting to see how she performs infront of strangers.
This Saturday, mom and dad are bringing aunt Lee over for a visit. I'll be making chicken sate (skewers) and gado gado (Indonesian salad with peanut sauce). We've also invited one of our neighbor for lunch.

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