Monday, June 14, 2004

No pain no gain

My 1st jogged of the month was Sat. On Monday, my quadriceps, shins, calfs, inner thigh muscles, ankles, feet are still really sore. Obviously, I’ve over exerted my self, again so I’m blogging about it as a reminder to start slow next time. I rested on Sunday and gave my body a chance to rebuild it self. Going up and down stairs was painful. I forgot how many muscles are involved in jogging. Still, I’m puzzled by the fact that spinning did not prepare me for jogging. I think, it’s because when I spin, I have certain resistance on the bike that carries my weight and my legs are used it. Even though, I work out at a reasonable heart rate and feel temporary short term strain in my legs, my legs are in a comfort zone when it comes to spinning. When I asked them legs to run/jog & carrying my whole body, they said “Wait a minute, you think you got muscles for this? Think again.” In a painful way it’s good that I challenged my legs to be stronger by introducing different type of exercise.
I did taebo hoping to loosen the muscles and work out at 60% capacity.
Time: 38 min
Ave Heart rate: 125 bpm
In zone: 28 min
kcal: 218

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