Friday, June 11, 2004

New toy

I recently was inspired by a 10,000 step article from the skinny post daily that I went to shop for a pedometer at a local sporting goods store. As I was walking towards the pedometer section, I passed the sport watch section and they had the polar watches that can track how hard you work out and how much calories you burn. There was one guy at the store who was buying the watch for his pregnant wife so I listened in all the features. When he left, I went up and talked to the clerk and the next thing you know, I bought one. It took me a while to figure out how to work this high tech gadget and I wore it to my spin class yesterday. It recorded the following info.
Workout time: 50 min.
Ave heart rate: 157 bpm
kcal used: 485
Note that I've entered my personal data so others might burn more or less. Spinning is an efficient work out. If I had stayed for the cool down, I would have burned 500 cal. If I spin 7 days/week, I will burn 1 pound of fat. Unfortunately, that's unrealistic so my goal is to spin twice a week and do other stuff twice a week.
The watch was beeping the whole time because my heart rate was out of the 65-80% of max heart beat range. I hope I didn't annoy my fellow spinner too much.
I tried wearing it for weight lifting but it didn't count calories because my heart rate didn't hit 65% or lower limit.
Next week, I will wear it as I do taebo and see how many calories I burn/session.


Bullseye said...

Don't worry too much about all that burning stuff. As long as you do something then you're doing good. Your body will eventually adjust. We have pretty good genes in that our body will react. Yup, we'll get fat but that's because we don't exercise enough. Do it slow and work it into your life. This way you don't have to constantly kill yourself to be in equilibrium.

You're doing a great job.

Sam said...

Thanks N, to me being able to quantify help motivate me to push myself and work harder.