Thursday, June 24, 2004

Busy week

Workout update:
This week, I have not been myself. Twice I screwed up on the calorie counter gadget so I didn't really get actual energy spent on two workouts but I'm not hung up on it. Today, I went in to work early so that I can spin a little bit longer than usual. I promised myself that I will focus on spinning and not fuss (obsess) with the watch too much. The instructor played some new music today which was great and inspiring. I'm bored of the 70's music so I distract myself by checking my watch and hope the song will end. At the end today's workout, I check the gadget and I had a pleasant surprise.
I hit my goal of 500 cal/spin workout. Here's the details. Note that I start the clock right when I'm on the bike.
Time: 59:15 min
Ave heart rate: 157 bpm
In zone: 56:45 min
Kcal: 510 :)
The stats help me set my target heart rate and time.
What did I do differently?
A) I put more tension on the bike on a climb at the beginning instead of gradually increase the tension.
B) During the sprints, I start and stay at a speed that I can sustain through out the entire song. Normally, I get all pumped up at the beginning of the song and sprint faster than anyone else but then I run out of steam after a minute or so and had to slow down.

Next weeks goal:
Target heart rate: 157 bpm
Time: 60 min

Thanks to Noodle, I've inherited his PS2 recently and I got a 3D Pacman game for my Bday. I was hoping for DDR2 but hubby didn't get the hint so he got me flowers instead.
I've been playing with it this week and it's different than the Pacman I'm used to back in the days. S likes to watch me play. She pays attention to the scene and tells me where to get the fruits and coins. I bought puzzle fighter with the help of a friend and I did not recall the poor graphics. I'm stuck on stage 6. It's more fun to play against a real person than a computer. Hmmm...may be I'll have a gaming party.

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