I've been really busy and stress at work lately that I have not had time to document my life.
I have to admit that I have not been eating healthy for the pass month and I see the result on my gut. Main motivation is my boot camp instructor got back from maternity leave last Saturday and her waist is smaller than mine and she had a baby only 2 months ago. This week, I'm back to bringing home lunch instead of eating out and eating less rice and noodles. Mom and Dad are in Taiwan so I won't have any of her home made food for a while.
Hubby and I had parent teacher conference with Danielle's substitute teacher and Danielle is doing really well in school. Her class got really lucky that the substitute teacher is equal or better than her home teacher. To me, the sub is more personable and had more to say about Danielle's day to day behavior in class. I expressed my concern that she's shy and I hope her teacher could help Danielle to be less shy. The sub told me that she would pick Danielle when ever she raised her hand up to share or answer questions.
THat's good that Danielle's new sub is so good. It is a wonderful thing to find a teacher that truly cares about a child's individual needs.
Oh. Here is my reply to what you said in my blog. I posted it there, too, but I wasn't sure if you checked my replies or not. (byt the way, my e-mail address is dalian_moonAThotmailDOTcom
Skype 是 一個 online chat program. 不用 付錢。 如果 你有 一個 microphone, 那 我們 可以 聊天. 那 我們 可以 聊天。方便 的時候﹐ 給我e-mail. 準備 講話。
Thanks for replying on my comment. I do check your reply on your comment section.
I'll look into the chat program. I don't have a microphone but I can get on that work with my computer at home.
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