Last night I was disturbed by what Danielle had learned from school.
D: "Mom, let's play chinese checkers" (It's a hand clapping along with chanting words that ryhmes)
She said the following with a funny accent.
Chinese people talk so funny
This is how they talk in Chinese
Usha, usha, I give you a tusha
Me in Mandarin: "Chinese don't talk funny. It sounds funny to those who don't understand the language. I don't want you to play that game anymore."
D:"Yes, we do.."
Me in Mandarin:" Besides,usha and tusha are made up Chinese words that has no real meaning in Chinese."
Me: "If we visit China and speak English to them, do you think the kids will do"
American people talk so funny
This is how they talk in America
Usha, usha, I give you a tusha?
D: "I don't know.."
May be I've over reacted but I just want her to be aware that making fun of other races is not acceptable.
Don't be so hard on her. You should let her know that it's not funny, but don't make her feel like it's her fault.
I remember some similarly racist chants when I was a kid. Even then, it pissed my white self off. I hope my lovely half Chinese son never has to hear that kind of thing.
By the way, I've been studying Mandarin for the last few years.
I hope William will never hear such racist thing but at their age, they don't understand racism I had high hopes that for my children's generation, they will not be exposed to those stupid chats Sigh.
It's wonderful that you are learning mandarin. William is a lucky boy :)
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