Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Hubby got some pomegranates home the other day and he was nice enough to peel off the skin and gather all the berries of one pomegranate so we can enjoy the fruit of his labor. The way I normally eat pomegranate is that I pop 2-3 berries in my mouth, suck the juice off then spit out the seeds in a bowl. It's a labor-intensive process and sometimes I stain my clothes with the juice too.
I took some to work yesterday and was eating it after lunch and a co-worker of mine, A was making fun of me.
A: "That's not how you eat pomegranate. You are suppose to eat the seed too."
Me: "That' how I've been eating it. Are you expecting me to swallow the seed after I sucked out the juice?"
A: "No. Just chew the whole thing and swallow the seed along with the juice. Go ahead and try it."
She put me on the spot and got the ladies sitting in the next table involved in the conversation so with the spot light on me, I unwillingly tried it
Me: "It doesn't taste as good as the juice alone but it's less messy compared to the way I prefer to eat it and I'm sure the fiber is good for me."
A: "That's how I learned to eat pomegranate since I was little."
Me: "Interesting..."
I share some pomegranate with her and she ate them like peanuts. I still prefer to eat it my way and luckily all the good antioxidants such as polyphenols, tannins and anthocyanins are in the juice not in the seed. To really get the health benefit, I would need to suck down equivalent of 1 glass a day.

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