Friday, November 03, 2006

Sight Word Spelling Test

Once or twice a week, Danielle's teacher quizzes her on her "Sight Word" lists. Each column consist of 5 words and if she knows all 5 words, she gets to continue and spell the next 5 words and so on all the way up to 30 words. We review the list nightly except on Halloween night because we were busy trick or treating. When she got quizzed on Wednesday, she miss spelled "called" which is the 1st word of the list so the teacher stopped the quiz and she's stuck at the same point as last Wednesday. I was surprised that she misspelled "called" because she spelled it correctly every night at home. I was working more with her on "Through, because and different" or words that I thought was more difficult to spell. She actually memorized the list and she able to write them all on her own. I was more upset than she was so we're going to make sure she knows how to spell at least 30 words like the back of her hands for the next round. Hubby and I are having a parent teacher conference next week so I got to get my questions ready for her teacher. Am I an overbearing mom? Big sigh...


Bullseye said...

You're starting to sound like Dad, but I'm probably the same way now also. Just try to make it enjoyable or else she won't want to do any of it. I'm sure you're already doing that. It's so difficult to be positive, being negative comes so naturally!

Sam said...

It is hard to be a good example because kids are just like sponge and absorb everything.