Thursday, November 02, 2006


Eversince we turn the clock back an hour, I noticed more traffic on the freeway when it gets dark. I really don't enjoy going home in the dark so it's going to take some getting use to.
I witness a car accident on my way into work this morning. A car tried to avoid hitting the car infront of him so he swerved to the right and hit a Rav4 on the next lane. I take this as a lesson to drive consciously and leave lots of space between me and the car infront of me. Unfortunately other cars would take advantage of my space and cut in front. I also has to fix my tail breaklight this weekend because a car almost rear ended me the other day. Not sure if he/she wasn't paying attention or didn't see me break.


Bullseye said...

I drive pretty much like an old man now. I drive 55-60 almost all the time now. It's safer, saves gas, and is less wear&tear on the car. I yield to faster cars and let people cut me off whenever they want. I don't fear the CHP anymore. :)

Sam said...

I could change my expectation and expect to have bumper to bumper traffic every night so I will be pleasantly surprised when there's no traffic.