Tuesday, March 13, 2007


With this bloody cold, any tiny disturbance in the throat area induced uncontrollably coughing fit. To stay alive, I resorted to shallow breathing and tons of cough drops. Today, I feel better because most of the phlegm are no longer in my lungs but it still hurts when I swallow or burp.
The pass few nights, my cough had waken me many times but luckily, it didn't awaken Secondo who slept next to me.

The hamster cage has gotten really stinky after DJ had been in it for 1 week. Dear hubby cleaned it in the kitchen downstairs on Sunday while Danielle played with DJ in the bath tub upstairs. Next thing we heard "Daddy.. help.... she peed in the tub..." so hubby ran up stairs to clean up after DJ.

I recall during one business trip, on a plane, I sat next to a man in his mid thirties who was living in Chicago and asked me where I was going. When I told him that I'm flying back to Orange County, his 1st questions to me was "Do most women living in the OC have a boob jobs?" My immediate reaction was "Of course not" speaking for my self. "Where I live is nothing like the reality show OC house wife where most of the women are rich with have fake boobs and get botox on regular basis".
Since then, I thought about what he said and started to observe the female head of household on my street. Some of are athletic, some a bit over weight, and some are really thin but have unnaturally large breasts. As I investigate further, let's just say that 20% of the ladies on my streets had some enhancement done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sam ... the implant story is funny :D. I hope you will get well soon.