Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Danielle, aka Primero

Primero was reading my blog one night and she asked
P: "Who is Pamelo?"
Me: "That's you."
P: "I don't want to be Pamelo. I want to be Danielle. Can I change my name to Danielle?"
Me: "I'll change your name to Danielle from this point forward (for the blog).

We had a good homework session last night. After piano lesson, she read for me and was eager to spell her sight words. She struggled with spelling the word "through" so she underlined the word and called it an outlaw word.
Her latest game with Secondo is training pony. Danielle is the trainer and Secondo is the pony. Each of them hold on to one end of a jump rope and walk around the house while Danielle asked Secondo to trot and stay.

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