Friday, November 05, 2004


Mom is visiting great-aunt Chiao (a.k.a. bridge in Mandarin) in SF this week. When we first came to this country, we stayed with her for a brief period of time. She's a funny and kind hearted lady. She has six children and the youngest son is a couple of years older than me. In the early eighties, she started to go blind on one eye but that didn’t stop her from enjoying life. She was driving and working for a fast-food restaurant. She told me that if I wanted fresh fries, all I have to do is ask for fries with no salt and the restaurant would make a fresh batch since most of them are salted. During our stayed there, my brother and I got bored staying home all day so she would take us to a ceramic workshop where we made our own art pieces and paint it. The artwork are still at my parent’s house.

Gmail was down today. What’s going on google? This is the 1st time I've had issue since I got a gmail account but now is back up.

Can't wait to see the incredibles this weekend


Bullseye said...

She's still really funny and I enjoying talking with her. I gave her an eye exam and she passed. I would hold up 2 fingers and she would say Dua (Two in Indonesian.) She would get 4 and 5 mixed up but that's pretty close.
She's always happy to talk to me and she knows that I joke around with her all the time. It makes me miss Grandma.

Sam said...

I miss Grandma too. She's watching over us and is with us in spirit every day.