Friday, October 28, 2005


I'm very excited about a childhood friend of mine started her own Lingerie business. The site is very cool and she's offering a 15% discount on all purchase type “Friends” in the Discount Coupon at the bottom of the shopping bag.
Bulleye & Fresno's Hot, please let your wifes know about the site.

I'm so glad it's Friday. It's been a really long and hectic week.
At 2AM this morning, I was asleep and noticed a crying child next to my bed and it was Primero.
Me: "What's wrong, are you OK?"
Primero: " Uh.. here hurt...whoa..."
Hubby: "Hush.. Please don't wake up secondo..."
I took Primero to her room
P: "I want tissue...whoa.."
I got some toilet paper from the bathroom in the dark and gave it to her.
Me: "Where does it hurt, inside or out side of your jaw?"
P: "Outside..."
Me: As I touch her jaw, "Here?"
P: " Whoa..yes...more tissue..."
I got more toilet paper from the bathroom and went back to her room.
P: Blew her nose " I don't want to go to school... I want tissue..."
Hubby got a box of tissue from downstairs
Me:" OK, Let's put some vicks vapor rub on your jaw and we'll go to the doctor tomorrow morning and check it out. Let's lay down and sleep"
P: " NO.!! It hurts when I lay down..."
Hubby got 3 pillows from the other room and she slept sitting up with her green bear. I slept with her for a while until Secondo woke up and was making noise in the other bedroom.
I went and fed secondo and the rest I can't remember.
This morning, Primero was fine and went to school. I don't know why she was in such pain last night.

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