Can't believe my last posting was a month ago. Time flies when I don't have any to spend on me. Secondo is starting to recognize faces. She'll cry when she sees strangers and smile when she sees people that she recognize. She can roll from her back to the left side multiple times but not to the right yet. As far as feeding her, we started rice cereal last months, once a day and we switched from Gerber nuk nipple to Playtex (can't remember) nipple name that her baby sitter recommended. She drools constantly and likes to suck on blankets, shirts and anything she can get her hands on. She doesn't poop multiple times/day anymore. She actually now poop every other day or every 2 days. May be due to the rice cereal in her diet.
Primero lost her first bottom front tooth last Sunday. Her permanent teeth was growing behind the baby teeth so she had 2 rows of teeth for a while. She was really excited to have the tooth fairy visits her and when she got the coin under her pillow the next day she said
"Mom the tooth fairy did visit me.. I thought tooth fairy was just a story and not real.."
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