Sunday, April 07, 2013

Father's Day weekend written in June 2008

On Friday, hubby and I attended Danielle's singing performance. I attended the same function a year ago when she was a 1st grader and I noticed a big difference in their understanding of music and notes within 1 year.
We stayed home for the 1st time ever during Father's day. Typically we would visit both our dads and take them out to eat. This year, hubby's dad went up to LA to celebrate with my brother inlay and my dad is so concern about gas prices that he said to celebrate next weekend when we plan to celebrate my nephew's birthday. I had menstrual crap after coming home from cycling so all I want to do is lay in bed and rest. It's interesting how I was fine when I was exercising but after showered I started to feel pain. We got free HBO previews for the weekend so the kids watched part of the "Night at the Museum" Once the pain subsided, we went to Costco and bought some Carne Asada and salad for dinner. Secondo liked it but Danielle stuck with her chicken nuggets.
Danielle, at the age of 8 does not wanting to tag along with her parents anymore. She said that she wanted to stay home and play with her friends and that going to Costco was boring and a waste of her time. After laying down the law of that she's not allowed to stay home on her own, we all got in the car and went.
 On Saturday morning, I took Danielle out for a jog. The goal was to go 5 miles but she did 2 miles of jogging and walking. We ended our exercise at the supermarket close to home, eating breakfast and she told me how nice it was not having Secondo around. Secondo tends misbehave or interrupt Danielle just to get attention and I can tell that Danielle is tired of it. I should plan the weekend so I spend some alone time with each of my child and hubby.
Secondo is making good progress with doing her #2 business in the potty. I started to have her sleep in her underwear overnight after she had no accident for the last 2 weeks. Last night @ 1PM, she woke me up and said that she has to go and she DID it in the potty. When we went to Costco yesterday, I didn't bring a diaper bag with me. Good bye diapers and so long diaper bags!

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