This pass Tuesday, Secondo had her 2 months check up. She weighs 11 lb and 10 oz which puts her in the 90 percentile. I had to take both kids to the Dr's office which is gettin easier everytime. At the office, we met another baby girl who was born 1 day earlier than Secondo but she's alot smaller in size.
She got 4 immunization shots so she was screaming bloody murder. Compared to S, Secondo didn't cry as long. After the shots, I gave her some breast milk and that calmed her down. When we got home she was crying more than usual so I gave her some infant tylanol to relief the pain.
S is quite jelous of her little sister. She feels that I spend too much time with Secondo which is true since I'm constantly feeding, burping and changing her diapers. I try to spend time with S when Secondo is sleeping but S knows that she's not getting the same type of one on one time as before Secondo was born.
By the time she goes back to school, things will be different.
S is taking swimming lessons and she's doing quite well. One of her classmate's mom freaked yesterday when she saw her son go under water. The kid was on the 2nd step of the pool is no deeper than 2 feet. I didn't see what happened since I keep my eyes on S. It was a big dramatic session, the mom cried, the teacher cried but the kid is fine. I think the mom over reacted and her son is in the wrong class. He should be in the 1st level class to learn the basic skills before moving on to the 2nd level. We'll see what happen today.
You're so lucky with kids. I'm amazed that they're both so calm and well behaved. Fortunately they didn't get my out of control genes.
With Secondo it's still hard to tell. We'll see how she is when she gets older
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